Thursday, April 23, 2020

Paleo Diet

What is the Paleo Diet? 

Is the paleo diet and fad diet alike or not? 

 According to the Dietitian Association of Australia, a fad diet is a diet that shows a significant
(Scott, 2019)
conclusion in a brief period.
On the opposite side, the Paleo diet is a diet that emphasizes eating complete foods and avoids processed foods because it includes unhealthy levels of added sugar, sodium and fat. Cordain (2010), in his book, discusses some basic rules of eating paleo diet like raw meat, fish and seafood, fruits and vegetables for obtaining low glycemic carbohydrates, and eliminates dairy products (milk, cheese, and curd), cereals and legumes. There is less amount of nutrients because it is restrictive as it omits two complete food groups, which makes it difficult to get the nutrients that are needed by the body.

Paleo Diet and Australian Dietary Guidelines (ADG) 

There are several differences and similarities between both the Paleo Diet and the Australian Dietary Guidelines. The primary aim of both is to boost the individuals to eat a healthy diet which is full of nutritious foods and drinks. To become more fit as a fiddle, both encourage to promote physical activities.
The Australian Dietary Guidelines as discussed by Whitney, Rolfes, Crowe, Cameron-Smith, Walsh (2013), sets five major guidelines to follow to become healthy and also discussed the reduction of diet-related diseases.

These guidelines are discussed as:

Balance of Energy – Eat and drink nutritious diet according to the body and energy needs and to physically active.
Foods that must include – include all five food groups (Vegetables & legumes/beans, Fruits, Grain (cereal) foods, mostly wholegrain, Lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, milk, yoghurt, cheese and other alternatives (that are reduced-fat).
Foods to avoid – Avoid the consumption of foods that contain salt, saturated fat, sugar, and alcohol.
Feeding of infants – Give infant mothers milk (breastfeeding).
Food safety – Store and make food safely.

(McKenzie, 2017)

The primary discrepancy between the two plans is that the Australian Healthy Eating Pyramid is not a prohibitive eating plan as it includes all five food groups. On the other side, the Australian Dietary Guidelines said that people have different needs according to their age groups and forms a complete eating plan, which covers all the needed nutrients (Whitney et al., 2013).

In the book Paleo Diet, Loren Cordain encourages the omission of two major food groups. By eliminating these two food groups, we will unable to meet the needed nutrients as advised by the ADG (Cordain, 2010). We need dairy products to obtain calcium, that aids in bone density and also to reduce the risk of diseases. As discussed by (Berardi, 2014), there is also a need to add whole grains into our diet plan as he describes “The Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet” in his blog post. Paleo diet has both its advantages and disadvantages. For instance, it lowers the risk of cardiac diseases and diabetes.

Recommendations by Australian Dietary Guidelines to modify the diet.

In the paleo diet, there is a lack of basic nutrients. Some people may face problems like skin irritation and need to lose weight (NIAMS, 2015). Therefore, it is recommended to individuals that take assist from dietitians to have a proper and balanced diet, which is required by the body according to the needs. Some food varieties must be in the right balance, which includes complex carbohydrates, lean meats and good fats (Whitney et al., 2013).

(Carnahan, 2013)
According to DAA (Dietitian Association of Australia), when any individual starts consuming a fad diet, may face rapid weight loss due to lean muscle and water wastage. The paleo diet contains low carbohydrate as it focuses on the consumption of high protein and saturated fats.

It is also suggested that consultation with a dietitian before consuming any new diet is very important. An assessment related to the new diet plan needs to be undertaken (Whitney et al., 2013). Metabolism of different macro nutrients can occur through various chemical reactions into the body. Lipids and carbohydrates are broken down into proteins (amino acids) and energy, which are further used as building blocks.
Carbohydrates are considered as the primary fuel source for the brain to function properly. According to the Dietitian Association of Australia (DAA, 2015, “Part 2”), cutting carbohydrates can lead to a shortage of minerals, B vitamins, and fibers. These micro-nutrients help in preventing a body from certain diseases like type 2 diabetes, iron deficiency and heart disease. In the process of gluconeogenesis, the use of protein is not considered ideal because of the formation of glucose from the protein in the body (Whitney et al., 2013).

The protein intake in higher quantity does not line up with the ADG. Protein is the main constituent in nutrients, which is a source of vitamin B12, iron and zinc. But, over-consumption of this nutrient increases the danger of some cancers and stress on kidneys. Consuming saturated fats is consolidated, whereas this is listed as a discretionary food according to the ADG (DAA, 2015, “Part 2”). Research supports these foods in the diet but not in a routine.
Therefore, it is recommended that it is best to take a balanced diet, which includes all five core food groups (Whitney et al., 2013).


Berardi, J. (2014). The Pros and Cons of the Paleo Diet. Retrieved from

Carnahan, J. (2013, February 10). A Quick Start Guide to Paleo Diet [Image]. Retrieved from

Cordain, L. (2010). Paleo Diet: Lose Weight and Get Healthy by Eating the Foods You were Designed to Eat. Retrieved from

Dietitian Association of Australia (DAA). (n.d.). Fad diets. Retrieved from

Dietitians Association of Australia (DAA). (2015). Part 2: The Modern Paleo Diet. The Pros and Cons of Going Paleo. Retrieved from

McKenzie, S. (2017). Australian Guide to Healthy Eating [Image]. Australian Government: Department of Health and Ageing. Retrieved from

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS). (2015). Pregnancy, breastfeeding, and bone health. Retrieved from

Scott, J. A. (2019). Can the Paleo Diet Help Manage Type 2 Diabetes? [Image]. Retrieved from

Whitney, E. N., Rolfes, S. R., Crowe, T., Cameron-Smith, D., & Walsh, A. (2013). Understanding nutrition: Australian and New Zealand edition. (2nd ed.). Australia: Cengage Learning.

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